Women in Science

Today there is a strong participation of women in every field of life even in the field of science. Today,women scientists are making their mark in challenging fields ranging from space science to chemistry, physics, biotechnology, nanotechnology,earth and environmental sciences, mathematics, engineering and agricultural sciences.

But due to their social and family responsibilities, it has never been easy for women to achieve a place in the world of science.

A few decades ago, this situation for women was more challenging. But, even in that period of the twentieth century, some women left the challenges behind and joined science and made their unique identities which the world still remembers.

American computer scientist Katie Bauman became famous around the world with her picture of black hole. Like Bauman, many other women have contributed to the world of science but they did not get recognition.

If I talked about our Indian Women Physicist the journey and contribution of Anna Mani, Radha Balakrishnan, Lilabati Bhattacharjee,Archana Bhattacharyya,and so many are apprecaitable.

Physicist Bibha Chowdhuri is one of the early contributors of science — and has a ‘star’ named after her.

Now time is changing. Women doing too hard work in every field of life. Whether it is the matter of touching the height of the sky or the responsibility of measuring the depth of the sea or the courage to be posted on the border, today women have proved themselves in every field of life , so we should praise and give respect to their work.


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